Cannabis Christmas guide from North Shore Cannabis:


1) Edibles: Edibles make a great gift for the cannabis enthusiasts in your family due to their discreet use and customization of dosage. Wyld gummies have a raspberry sativa flavor that will have you feeling giddy and ready for the day ahead.

2) Bath Bombs: Give your friends or family a day of luxury with cannabis-infused bath bombs. Let your holiday stress melt away with a blue dream bath bomb

3) Assembled holiday boxes: our preassembled holiday boxes are the perfect gifts for any stoner in your life. Our pretty in holiday box contains a pink pipe, lighter, grinder, and king size cones. If you are looking for a more festive option our snowman box is sure to do the trick!

4) Glass: With our wide selection of bongs, pipes and rigs the perfect piece for your friends or family are in reach!

5) Flower: If you know your friend or family members favourite strains why not surprise them with some flower


North Shore Cannabis Food Drive for North Shore Women's Centre