8 Common Cannabis Cooking Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them)

If you're new to cooking with cannabis, you may be making some common mistakes. Don't worry, though - we're here to help! In this blog post, we will discuss six of the most common cannabis cooking mistakes and how to avoid them. Keep reading for tips on how to make the most out of your marijuana-infused recipes!

  1. Not Decarboxylating Your Cannabis

If you want to get the most out of your cannabis, it's important to decarboxylate it before cooking with it. This simple step will activate the THC and other cannabinoids so that you can reap the benefits. To decarboxylate your cannabis, simply bake it in the oven at 240 degrees Fahrenheit for about 40 minutes.

  1. Using Too Much (Or Too Little) Cannabis

It's important to find the right balance when cooking with cannabis. If you use too much, your dish will be too potent and could make you feel sick. On the other hand, if you don't use enough, you won't get the desired effect. Start with a small amount of cannabis and increase as needed. 

  1. Not Infusing Fat Properly

When cooking with cannabis, it's important to infuse the fat properly. This will help ensure that the THC is absorbed by the food. You can do this by adding your cannabis to a pan of hot oil or butter. Let it simmer for a few minutes to allow the THC to infuse into the fat. 

  1. Cooking at too High of a Temperature

If you cook your cannabis-infused dish at too high of a temperature, you will risk burning it. This will destroy the THC, the taste and aroma from the terpenes, and other cannabinoids, rendering them ineffective. Make sure to keep the temperature below 350 degrees Fahrenheit. 

  1. Not Adding Enough Flavor

When cooking with cannabis, it's important to add enough flavor so that the taste of the weed is not too overwhelming. This can be accomplished by adding strong flavors like garlic or ginger. You can also mask the taste of cannabis by using sweet ingredients like chocolate or fruit. 

  1. Forgetting to Store Edibles Safely and Properly

After you've made your cannabis-infused dish, it's important to store it properly. This will help ensure that it stays fresh and potent. Be sure to store your edibles in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. 

  1. Not Incorporating Into a Recipe Correctly

Another common mistake is not incorporating cannabis into a recipe correctly. This can result in an ineffective dish. Make sure to follow the recipe exactly as written, and don't try to change it up. If you're not sure how to cook with cannabis, consult a trusted recipe book or online resource. By following these simple tips, you can avoid the most common cannabis cooking mistakes and create delicious, potent dishes that will provide you with all the benefits of marijuana!

  1. Incorrectly Measuring the Dosage 

One of the most common mistakes when cooking with cannabis is incorrectly measuring the dosage. This can be a tricky task, as THC potency can vary greatly depending on the strain and quality of weed. It's important to start with a small dose and increase as needed. A good rule of thumb is to start with one gram of cannabis for every 50 grams of butter or oil. 


Cooking with cannabis can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it's important to avoid the most common mistakes. By following these simple tips, you can create delicious, potent dishes that will provide you with all the benefits of marijuana.


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How to make cannabis butter - Infographic