Smoking or vaping?

There are plenty of options for Cannabis consumption on the legal market these days, however the one question that is asked by both novice and long term smokers alike is what is the major differences between smoking cannabis, whether that be in a bong or a joint, and vaping cannabis. Both smoking and vaping cannabis have an extremely fast onset time with effects peaking within 10-15 minutes. And while there has been research that shows that cannabis itself can have medicinal properties and make a positive difference the issue with smoking isn’t the cannabis but rather the actual smoke. However, compared to cigarettes there doesn’t seem to be a link in the uptick of cannabis smokers getting cancer. According to Donald P. Tashkin, MD, emeritus professor of medicine at UCLA’s David Geffen School of Medicine (via HuffPo): “Findings from a limited number of well-designed epidemiological studies do not suggest an increased risk for the development of either lung or upper airway cancer from light or moderate use.” And even heavy use has “far lower risks for pulmonary complications” than tobacco use, Tashkin said. And while it is seemingly not cancer causing cannabis smoking does “cause visible and microscopic injury to the large airways that is consistently associated with an increased likelihood of symptoms of chronic bronchitis that subside after cessation of use,” according to Tashkin. Vaping on the other hand due to the ability to use different temperatures and avoid combustion consumers are using more of the plant, such as keeping the terpenes in tact and avoiding the harsh chemicals that are released in traditional cannabis smoking. It seems that “People who vaporize report decreased respiratory symptoms” compared to those who smoke weed, according to Marilyn Huestis (to BuzzFeed News), chief of chemistry and drug metabolism at the National Institute on Drug Abuse, who has studied the physiological effects of vaping marijuana. So overall it seems that vaping is the “healthier” form of cannabis consumption as “vaporization produces the purest stream of cannabinoids and terpenes and contains less than 1/1000th the hazardous substances associated with combustion. (Source: Meehan Atrash et al, 2019) This means it’s easier on the lungs for the consumer and also safer for those around them.”


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