North Shore Cannabis

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Top 5 Ways Cannabis Benefits Mother Earth and You!

Nestled against the lush British Columbia wilderness, North Shore Cannabis is proud to be an advocate for the environment and your individual wellness. We also believe in the important role cannabis and hemp will play in creating a more sustainable future for our planet. Here are 5 incredible ways in which this miracle plant has the potential to benefit the earth, improve your everyday health and help in the fight against climate change. 

Hemp for Sustainability 

Hemp is cultivated on ethanol-free land, is rich in nine amino acids and contains 25 times more protein per acre than cotton! It is cheaper per unit of produce than corn, is triple the crop productivity of cotton and 100 times more crop productive than soybeans, making it one of the sustainable and hardest working plants out there. 

Climate change

Certain farms have adapted their farming techniques to harness the power of cannabis to help combat climate change. Using a technique called “carbon sequestration”, cannabis farming can actually remove CO2 from the atmosphere and help ‘clean’ the air on a continued, long-term basis. Going green in more ways than one! 


Hemp has occasionally been referred to as the “miracle crop” because of its natural ability to replenish the soil it grows in. Through a process called bioremediation, hemp can clean up environmental pollutants and toxins to potentially reverse previous soil damage. This also stimulates the growth of natural microbes which act as plant food and energy. 


Hemp has the ability to grow faster than the average tree, meaning it takes much less time for hemp to produce the same amount of leafy goodness. This results in less permanent destruction of forests, which are constantly pillaged for the wood pulp and paper industry.  

Potential Health Benefits

Cannabis is commonly used to treat nausea, and can assist with vomiting, diarrhea and even constipation. Those imbibing in this plant note mood enhancement, overall reduction of anxiety, and being able to focus for extended periods of time. The future of cannabis in the biomedical sphere is promising and there is great potential for more innovative uses  in the health and wellness space. 

We're on a collective journey to a cleaner, healthier planet. With focused research and development, the hemp and cannabis industry has limitless potential in contributing to a more sustainable future! 

North Shore Cannabis has created a Cannabis Recycling program to reduce landfill waste. You can learn more about our cannabis recycling program here.